Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Alexandra D'Onofrio Author-X-Name-First: Alexandra Author-X-Name-Last: D'Onofrio Author-Email: alexandra.donofrio@assonime.it Author-Workplace-Name: ASSONIME Author-Name: Raoul Minetti Author-X-Name-First: Raoul Author-X-Name-Last: Minetti Author-Email: minetti@msu.edu Author-Workplace-Name: Michigan State University Author-Name: Pierluigi Murro Author-X-Name-First: Pierluigi Author-X-Name-Last: Murro Author-Email: p.murro@lumsa.it Author-Workplace-Name: LUMSA University Title: Banking development, economic structure and income inequality Abstract: Using rich data from the Italian local credit markets (provinces), this paper investigates the impact of local banking development on income inequality and the role of the socioeconomic structure in this link. Exploiting the Italian historical banking regulationtoin strument for the local presence of bank branches, we find that local banking development mitigates income inequality and poverty. However, the finance-inequality nexus manifests itself only in relatively advanced areas, suggesting important non-linearities. When we study the structural channels of influence, we obtain evidence that banking development can reduce inequality by affecting geographical mobility and urbanization, while it has modest effects through the development of material infrastructures and human capital. Length: 33 pages Creation-Date: 2016-07 Publication-Status: File-URL: https://repec.lumsa.it/wp/wpC08.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: wpC08 Classification-JEL: G21; G38; O15 Keywords: Income inequality; Financial development; Socio economic structure Handle: RePEc:lsa:wpaper:wpC08