Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Matteo Rizzolli Author-X-Name-First: Matteo Author-X-Name-Last: Rizzolli Author-Email: m.rizzolli@lumsa.it Author-Workplace-Name: LUMSA University Title: Adjudication: Type-I and Type-II Errors Abstract: Adjudicative procedures meant at establishing truth about facts on defendants’ behavior are naturally prone to errors: defendants can be found guilty/liable when they truly were not (type-I errors) or they can be acquitted when they should have been convicted (type-II errors). These errors alter the incentives of defendants to comply with norms. We review the literature with a particular focus on type-I errors. Length: 14 pages Creation-Date: 2016-12 Publication-Status: File-URL: https://repec.lumsa.it/wp/wpC15.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: wpC15 Classification-JEL: K4 Keywords: type-I errors, wrongful convictions; justice concerns, burden of proof, deterrence; law enforcement Handle: RePEc:lsa:wpaper:wpC15