Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Giovanni Ferri Author-X-Name-First: Giovanni Author-X-Name-Last: Ferri Author-Email: g.ferri@lumsa.it Author-Workplace-Name: LUMSA University Author-Name: Raoul Minetti Author-X-Name-First: Raoul Author-X-Name-Last: Minetti Author-Email: minetti@msu.edu Author-Workplace-Name: Michigan State University Author-Name: Pierluigi Murro Author-X-Name-First: Pierluigi Author-X-Name-Last: Murro Author-Email: pmurro@luiss.it Author-Workplace-Name: LUISS University Title: Credit Relationships in the Great Trade Collapse. Micro Evidence From Europe Abstract: Using a rich sample of small and medium-sized European manufacturers, we investigate the nexus between banks' relationship lending technologies and firms' export activities during the 2009 great trade collapse. We find that the contraction of firms' export was milder when banks had access to up-to-date "soft" information on firms' export prospects. However, we find no evidence of an association between the resilience of firms' export and banks' experience on firms' past activities. The nexus between export resilience and banks' access to soft information is especially tight for young and small exporters and for firms at an early stage of internationalization. Length: 35 pages Creation-Date: 2018-08 Publication-Status: File-URL: https://repec.lumsa.it/wp/wpC26.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: wpC26 Classification-JEL: G21, D82, F10 Keywords: Bank-Firm Relationships, Lending Technologies, Trade Handle: RePEc:lsa:wpaper:wpC26