Template-Type: ReDIF-Paper 1.0 Author-Name: Raoul Minetti Author-X-Name-First: Raoul Author-X-Name-Last: Minetti Author-Email: minetti@msu.edu Author-Workplace-Name: Michigan State University Author-Name: Pierluigi Murro Author-X-Name-First: Pierluigi Author-X-Name-Last: Murro Author-Email: pmurro@luiss.it Author-Workplace-Name: LUISS University Author-Name: Valentina Peruzzi Author-X-Name-First: Valentina Author-X-Name-Last: Peruzzi Author-Email: vperuzzi@luiss.it Author-Workplace-Name: LUISS University Title: Not all banks are equal. Cooperative banking and income inequality Abstract: The re-regulation wave following the global financial crisis is putting pressure on local community and cooperative banks. In this paper, we show that cooperative banking can play a pivotal role in reducing income inequalities in local communities. By analyzing Italian local (provincial) credit markets over the 2001-2011 period, we find that cooperative banks mitigate income inequality more than their commercial counterparts. The results also suggest that it is the specific nature and orientation of cooperative banks, more than their relationship lending technologies, that improve income distribution. The impact of cooperative banking on inequality appears however to be partly channeled by a reduced dynamism of local economies, especially lower migratory flows and business turnover. Length: 35 pages Creation-Date: 2019-10 Publication-Status: File-URL: https://repec.lumsa.it/wp/wpC31.pdf File-Format: Application/pdf Number: wpC31 Classification-JEL: G21; G38; O15 Keywords: Cooperative banks, income inequality, financial development. Handle: RePEc:lsa:wpaper:wpC31